Infinite, Intimate, Intricate Interconnection

Infinite, Intimate, Intricate Interconnection. I use these words to describe the divine because “God” still emerges in my mind as an old, white man with a long robe and beard. As I pray and meditate, I use descriptive words to point to the sense, which all too fleetingly flutters by, that we are all connected. Not just to one another in a familiar, personal, obvious way. Our connection to one another reminds me that we are connected to all things – to all Being. Our religious community encourages us to deepen our understanding of that profound interconnection.

Two ways you might experience the infinite, intimate, intricate interconnection is through conversation and covenant groups. We have encouraged members of the church to have one-on-one conversations for three years. May is a month we are especially lifting up this way to explore our shared values. If you have never been part of a 30-45 minute one-on-one conversation, in which you and your conversation-mate explore and share your values and how you want to live them, you may want to try it. If there is someone you’ve met at church who you see living their values, ask them if they’ll meet you for coffee. If there is someone you think shares your values and you’d like to invite them to join your efforts, ask them to have a one-on-one. If you need a little help identifying someone or you want to hear more about how to successfully conduct a one-on-one, let Dale Griffin, Steve Serikaku or me know.

Another way we enrich our experience of interconnection is through Covenant Groups. This small group ministry has been in place for more than ten years at UCE and we currently have fourteen active groups. Covenant groups are gatherings of about 10 people who meet, usually monthly, to share and listen deeply about life, spirit, love, and meaning. If you would like to learn more about covenant groups, come to the Covenant Group Potluck on Friday, May 29th at 6:30 at UCE. Bring whatever dish you’d like to share and sit in a small group for a sampling of the covenant group experience.

When do you remember the interconnection of all Being? Do you see it in the beautiful complexity of a tree? Do you experience it walking by the lake, or at the grocery store? Being mindful of the oneness of Being and our place in the interconnected web is a practice we can cultivate through conversation and covenant groups.
