Demystifying Organization

People sometimes mistake me for an organized person. One look at my computer files or my office desk will dispel that illusion. I have no consistent way of naming or categorizing electronic files and folders. The paper versions are worse. I have piles on my desk at work and dining room table at home, which I shift around in, what would appear to be random patterns, but which actually signal their priority level. All of this make sense to me but no one else. As an individual, I like to think I’m functional enough with this privately known organizational system, but larger systems obviously need a more transparent and shared structure.

The good news is the Unitarian Church of Evanston IS more clearly organized than my files are, and we operate with a strong policy governance. However, many members, friends, and visitors don’t know what that structure is or how to navigate it. Unlike the piles on my desk, the organizational system of our church is only useful if it’s widely known and understood. All of this is on the website but that can be hard to navigate too. Look to the bottom of this article for some helpful links.

Our church is a large system with many activities, ministries and committees, providing ways for members to engage in social justice, deepen their spiritual lives, and form connections. I sometimes hear that, while there’s clearly a lot going on, it’s hard to find the on-ramps. If you are unsure how to get involved, I want to assure you that almost everything at church is open for you to try – social justice, book groups, classes, events, and committee meetings. And a great way to learn about and be immersed in our community is to come to our Serendipity Auction on November 10th.

Long term members and newcomers alike are often unaware that our church structure includes four different councils, which coordinate and build collaboration across teams and committees. We have the Integrated Stewardship Council, Social Justice Council, Lifespan Learning Council, and Membership Engagement Council. Here’s our full organizational chart:

UCE Org Chart August 2018

Each of the four councils has a staff lead. Sandra Robinson, our Executive Operations Director, leads the Integrated Stewardship Council, which oversees the financial well-being of the church; Mary Shelden, our Director of Lifespan Religious Education, leads the Lifespan Learning Council, which includes the Children and Youth Program Team and our Adult Religious Education, and we will also migrate Covenant Groups to that Council soon; and I have been the lead for the Social Justice Council and Membership Engagement Council. In addition to these four councils, there are teams and groups that are directly staff led, like the choir, Buildings and Grounds committee and Worship Arts. These teams don’t fit neatly into a council structure and/or need a different level of support from staff.

While change is a continual and inevitable part of life, the interim period is a time for thoughtful transition and intentional innovation in our congregation. Our Interim Senior Minister, Rev. Greg Stewart, comes to us with a passion for welcoming and member engagement, and experience with growth. He will be taking on the leadership of the Membership Engagement Council and I will continue to lead the Social Justice Council. This shift enables me to focus more on pastoral care and to support our Pastoral Care Associates. I have been championing hospitality, shepherding new members, and thinking about member engagement for almost twelve years. It is through this work that I first felt called to ministry and I have loved working with wonderful members on these teams, yet I am glad to pass the leadership on to Rev. Greg. Now, each of our senior staff will have a council to lead. We will be the contact when you have a question related to our specific councils. We will help to support the teams, establish vision and implement ministries. A clear structure enables us to do the work of our mission: nurturing the human spirit for a world made whole. May our organizational structure enable us to do that work well and in covenant.

Yours in Faith,

Rev. Eileen

Our Leadership Toolkit

UCE Organization Chart

Our Board of Trustees

Our Shared Offering Recipients

Our Activities, Programs and Groups

When in doubt, search: from the home page, in the upper right hand corner, click on the word search and type in what you’re looking for.

When still in doubt, email a minister:,        or call the office 847-864-1330
