“Look for the helpers.” ~Fred Rogers


I think of this quote from Mr. Rogers often. It’s good to see Mr. Rogers finally in vogue. I don’t mean his fashion sense but his spirit, his gentleness, and his genuine kindness. I think he was under-appreciated in his time. With the recent documentary and biographies of his life, I think he’s getting his due.

I am reminded of his words, maybe because I am a ‘helper’ on the Enneagram of personality types: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enneagram_of_Personality. It’s how I get through hard things, by finding ways to help and looking for those who are offering help. I’m thinking of Mr. Rogers’ reminder to ‘look for the helpers,’ not because of a major disaster, but with a rise in ‘little’ disasters. In the months since we have re-formed a Pastoral Care Team and I am more directly mindful of the pastoral needs of our community, those needs appear to have grown. I am so grateful to our loving and attentive Pastoral Associates for helping to meet those needs, such as visiting folks who can’t make it to church. One of our long-term members, Priscilla Ormes, was one of those people who has been unable to attend for some time and she was so appreciative of visits from UCE members. They brightened her days, stimulated her sharp mind, and helped her find peace at the end of her life.

And then there are those who, beyond any official role, just help one another. The ones who not only pick someone up from the hospital but make sure their car gets home too. There are those who invite a struggling friend to join them on a trip. There are those who make phone calls, and bring food, and send cards, and offer rides, and go through financial planning paperwork, and attend memorials, and invite someone who needs company out for coffee. You know who you are. You are the helpers and you don’t do it for the thanks but I’m thanking you anyway. Each of us is a helper, at times, and at times, each of us needs help.

A colleague of mine is having a ‘Blue Christmas’ service this week, to hold in comfort and love those who don’t find this holiday full of cheer. I forgot about this important way of holding space because life is full and busy during the holidays and I haven’t baked a single Christmas cookie yet. But, if you are someone who feels blue this Christmas, if you are in need of a little help, look for the helpers. We’re right here. I’m right here. Please reach out. That is what beloved community is about.

I wish for all of us to discover peace this Christmas and in the New Year. I pray for each of us to have what we need and to know our highest good. I pray for us to be helpers when we can and to ask for help when we need it.

Yours in Faith,

Rev. Eileen
