We Begin Again in Love

Dear Friends and Members of UCE,

It has been quite a while since I’ve written an article for the newsletter. I’ve been a little busy the last few years completing my ministerial internship and Masters of Divinity, but as your new full-time Assistant Minister for Faith-in-Action and Membership, I will once again be reflecting regularly on our shared ministry.

First, my deepest thanks to you for ordaining me on June 4th. It was an overwhelmingly beautiful experience – something I had been imagining and planning for several years. I will carry with me forever the love and joy filling our sanctuary that day. Since then, I have been preparing to step into my new role, meeting with individuals, teams and councils, as well as attending our Unitarian Universalist Association’s General Assembly in New Orleans. Those of us who attended and acted as delegates will be presenting our reflections at the service on July 16th.

Some of you have asked how my work will be different since I have been the Membership Director for over 10 years and the Social Action Coordinator for 5 of those. Part of the answer is, I don’t know. We will see. (I used to hate it when my mom answered my questions that way.) Truthfully, we will find out together how this ministry will evolve and grow now that I am full-time and ordained. One thing I do know is that my responsibilities have expanded and my attention will be pulled in additional directions and so, it will be necessary for me to delegate to volunteers more of the administrative tasks I used to do. Luckily, some of you have already stepped up to help in various ways to allow me to minister more than administer. You know who you are and I thank you! I will be preaching about every 4-6 weeks and will be engaged in interfaith relationship building and advocacy more fully. I will meet and lead the Social Justice Council and Membership Engagement Council, working closely with and guiding the teams that comprise those councils. Rev. Bret will be the lead on pastoral care but I will share in that care as needed.

I am so grateful to be able to continue to serve this church, which has been my beloved community for so long. Do not hesitate to reach out to me with questions or to set up a time to meet. My email address is ewiviott@ucevanston.org.

Yours in Faith and Love,

Rev. Eileen Wiviott


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